Training Policy -April 2024

Willingham By Stow Parish Council

Training Policy

1 Purpose

1.1 Willingham by Stow Parish Council is committed to appropriate and effective training for members and staff. The parish council believes that proper training enables all involved with the council to understand the needs of the community, deliver services and engage in partnerships more effectively.

1.2 The council values the time and commitment given by members to their community. This policy is aimed at maximising the rewards from that time by ensuring that elected members understand and enjoy the role they undertake in their community and are able to discharge that role effectively.

1.3 Staff and councillors are expected to embrace the ethos of training and the merits of a well-run and pro-active council structure.

1.4 Councillors and staff should be aware of current issues facing the local government sector and the local community.

1.5 Training includes but is not restricted to:

  • attendance at formal courses and conferences;
  • informal networking;
  • being mentored and mentoring;
  • online courses; and
  • reading and private study.


2 General issues

2.1 The council will set aside an adequate training budget each year to meet training needs for staff and councillors.

2.2 The council is a member of the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils and have the opportunity to join the Annual Training Scheme if required. All employees and members are encouraged to attend its training programme.

2.3 Anyone attending training is required to report back to the council informing others of the value of the training and how appropriate it was to the objectives set.

2.4 Training material should be shared to ensure all involved with the council are made fully aware of issues and updates relating to law and administration.

2.5 The council will take note of any matters which should be pursued as a result of training attended. Where appropriate, best practice procedures should be implemented or updated.


3 Staff training

3.1 The clerk to council is fundamental to all areas of development and service delivery. It is essential that they are trained to carry out their duties as effectively as possible.

3.2 The clerk will receive an annual staff appraisal and this will be an opportunity to discuss any training needs.

3.3 In addition, the clerk is encouraged to raise at any time the perceived need for further training in any of the areas of work they are required to carry out, if need is identified.

3.4 The parish council may request that staff undertake further training at its discretion, where this is deemed necessary, and in view of any specialist activities that the employee is required to undertake on its behalf.

3.5 Full support will be given to all employees undertaking training of any kind in furtherance of the Council’s activities.


5 Qualifications and professional associations

5.1 If the clerk is not CiLCA qualified at the time of appointment, they will be given the opportunity and supported to achieve the qualification if required. The council will pay for the cost of training and for additional hours worked achieving that qualification.

5.2 The council will give permission to the clerk to use council documents as evidence for the CiLCA portfolio.

5.3 A clerk who has CILCA should undertake Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in line with the National Improvement Strategy for town and parish councils. Appropriate CPD can be identified during discussion of the clerk’s annual appraisal.

5.4 The clerk will keep a record of all CPD attended and will keep this updated.

5.5 The clerk is encouraged to attend branch meetings, conferences and to contribute to online communities with other professionals.

5.6 The parish council will pay the cost of training activities and for additional hours worked for local networking meetings, conferences or training events. Attendance at such meetings forms part of CPD. Informal networking also takes place through national and local e-forums.

5.7 The parish council will consider contributing to the cost of attending regional or national conferences.


6 Councillor Training

6.1 The council will encourage all members to attend training in relation to the corporate activities of the Council, and its administrative procedures.

6.2 Formal training for councillors is provided by Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils and other providers. The clerk is expected to keep councillors briefed on current issues and may deliver training sessions to councillors.

6.3 Councillors will also be expected to undertake specialist courses as need arises, and dependent on any specific responsibilities that are allocated.

6.4 All council policies will reflect the requirement for member training and updating on key elements of council procedure and policy.

6.5 If additional, specialist training is required on any matter, the clerk will source the appropriate qualified person to delivery that training in-house to members.

6.6 A record of all training attended by members will be kept by the clerk.

6.7 As a minimum, all councillors should be adequately trained in:

  • roles and responsibilities of individual members;
  • the council as a corporate body;
  • the chairman and the clerk;
  • the law applicable to local councils;
  • procedures of local councils;
  • financial rules and procedures;
  • the planning system and local councils’ role in the planning system;
  • community engagement.

6.8  New councillors will be given/viewed on council website, policies, information about the Council's procedures, roles and responsibilities.


8 Review

8.1 This policy should be reviewed by the full council every 2 years or in response to changes in relevant legislation, training procedures or criteria for accreditation.


9 Version control and amendment history


Date approved                          Version                            Reviewed date

11/04/2024                                                0.1