13th June 2024 Agenda



Thursday, 13th June 2024

 At 7.30pm

In Willingham Village Hall Committee Room



Public participation – Members of the public may raise subjects they wish to bring to the attention of the parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made during the meeting.  The time will be 10 minutes’ maximum unless the council decides otherwise. Listeners should note that decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.


L Brooks-Sleight

Lisa Brooks-Sleight – Clerk to the council

willinghambystow.pc@sky.com                                                                                              9th June 2024




2024/98 Apologies for Adsence

            To note apologies and reasons


2024/99 Public Participation

            To agree, if necessary, to temporary suspend the meeting for a period of no more than 10mins

            to allow for public Participation.


2024/100 Minutes of last Meetings

            To approve & sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th April 2024


2024/101 Declaration of Interest  

            To record declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 for any listed

            agenda items below


2024/102 Representatives Report

            To receive any reports from LCC councillor/WLDC councillor/ Police


2024/103 Clerks Report

            To receive Clerk’s report


2024/104 Insurance Renewal

            To review & approve the insurance arrangements/quote received


2024/105 Highways

              To consider any highways matters & determine any actions required


2024/106 Solar Farms

              To receive any updates and discuss further action required


2024/107 Planning

          To receive any correspondence/decisions by WLDC and discuss any planning applications.

           Ref: 147843, planning application for a two storey and single storey extension. 8 The Old Farm

                    House High Street


2024/108 Parish Field Picnic Benches

           To receive quotes to erect & fix 2 x benches at the parish field


2024/109 Public Footpath Grange Lane to Stow Rd

          To receive quotes to maintain muddy path and decide future actions


2024/110 Office Filing Cabinet

        To consider approval of a metal, 2 drawer filing cabinet - £45.83 ex vat + £4.95 delivery


2024/111 Planter Plaque

         To consider approval of plaque to commemorate the Kings Coronation for new planter


2024/112 School Trust Fund

         To receive an update and decide any future actions


2024/113 Internal Auditor Report

          To receive the end of year report, recommendations and note any comments


2024/114 Financial Regulations 2024

          To review & approve


2024/115 To approve the AGAR Annual Audit 2023/24

a. Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

b. Section 2 Accounting Statement 2023/34


2024/116 Finance

To approve & sign the monthly accounts for payment & corresponding Bank Statements




Net          VAT




Flagpole Express mins 2024/16

460.00       92.00




Cemetery entrance widening mins2024/29

2880.00   576.00




Annual Insurance

373.25       38.79




Lea Garden Services contract














2024/117 Correspondence

a. NALC Chief Executive Bulletin April (emailed prior)

b. Parish News WLDC (emailed prior)

c. Town & parish Newsletter May (emailed prior)


2024/118 Best Kept Garden

          To discuss & decide prize to be awarded


2024/119 Newsletter 2024

          To discuss the content & any other requirements


2024/120 Agenda Items for next meeting and to take any points from members


2024/121 To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies

                (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be



To confirm the date & time of the next council meeting, Thursday 11th July 2024 at 7.30pm in Willingham Village Hall committee room