Welcome to Willingham by Stow Parish Council

The Parish Council represents and serves the whole community and is responsible for the services it provides.  Following consultation with parishioners (e.g. via the Parish Plan, Annual Parish Meeting etc.), it establishes policies for action and decides how money will be raised and spent on behalf of the community.  It is responsible for spending the money raised lawfully and without risk and for achieving the best value for money.

The Parish Council is made up of 7 elected Councillors (see contact details)  one of whom is chosen as Chairman during the Council's Annual Meeting.  The Chairman is currently Mr David Bingham.   It is served by the Clerk/RFO (Lisa Brooks-Sleight), who implements its decisions and provides administrative and management support.

Notices of meetings are posted on the Parish Council Notice Board at the Village Hall on High Street.  The notice board also displays useful public information.

The Parish Council currently provides and maintains:

  • Willingham Cemetery (Marton Road, Willingham). 
  • Public seating within the Parish.

It also provides a donation to St Helens Church for the Crib and lights in the churchyard at Christmas.

It also maintains the public footpaths within the village on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council, as well as the grassed area on the corner of Grange Lane & High Street.

The Parish Council owns the land operated and maintained by the Playing Field Committee, and contributes to the cost of grass cutting there.

In addition the Parish Council owns the two fields ('Parish Fields') at the junction of Fillingham Road and Stone Pit Lane.  One is put to tender each year for grazing and the other has been developed as a Nature Area for all residents to enjoy with a pathway around the pond & benches to rest.