Annual Meeting of the Council May
TUESDAY 12th MAY 2022, 8pm
The Annual Meeting of Willingham Parish Council, Thursday 12th May at Willingham Village Hall at 8pm.
The Agenda is set out below.
L Brooks-Sleight
Lisa Brooks-Sleight – Clerk to the council 8th May 2022
2022/83 To elect Chairman and obtain signature of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
2022/84 To elect Vice-Chairman
2022/85 To received Apologies
2022/86 To review & approve Financial Regulations
2022/87 To review & approve Standing Orders
2022/88 To accept and approve an Internal Controls Document
To review & approve Register of Assets
2022/89 To review & approve Cemetery Regulations/Fees
2022/90 To review & approve the Risk Assessment Policy
2022/91 To review & approve Media Policy
2022/92 To review & approve Data Protection Policy & Subject Access Procedures
2022/93 To appoint Internal Auditor for year 2022/23
2022/94 To appoint a Village Hall representative from the PC
2022/95 To review & approve the insurance arrangements/quotes received
2022/96 To receive Internal Auditors report
2022/97 To approve Annual Audit 2021/22
a. Section 1 Annual governance statement 2021/22
b. Section 2 Accounting statements 2021/22
2019/98 To confirm that all members have updated their Register of Interest forms & signed
the Declaration of Acceptance of Office