18th May 2023


Thursday, 18th May 2023

following the Annual Meeting In Willingham Village Hall Committee Room



The Agenda is set out below.


Public participation – Members of the public may raise subjects they wish to bring to the attention of the parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made during the meeting.  The time will be 10 minutes’ maximum unless the council decides otherwise. Listeners should note that decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.


L Brooks-Sleight


Lisa Brooks-Sleight – Clerk to the council

willinghambystow.pc@sky.com                                                                                                  14th May 2023







2023/112 Apologies for Absence

                To note apologies and reasons


2023/113 Public Participation

                To agree, if necessary, to temporary suspend the meeting for a period of no more than 10mins to allow for public Participation.


2023/114 Minutes of last Meetings

                To approve & sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th April 2023


2023/115 Declarations of Interest

                To record declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 for any listed agenda items below


2023/116 Representatives Report

               To receive any reports from LCC councillor/WLDC councillor/ Police


2023/117 Clerks Report

               To receive Clerk’s report


2023/118 Councillors Village Walk

               To discuss and arrange date


2023/119 Barclays Bank

                To approve the mandate request form - removal of signatories Cllr Wain & Panter and add Cllr J Didcock for the Parish Council bank


2023/120 Parish Field

                To discuss any further action & approve


2023/121 APM

                To received reports/feedback and to discuss any issues from the meeting


2023/122 Kings Coronation Celebrations

                To receive any information and approve


2023/123 CIL Annual Expenditure Report

                 To receive 2022/23 report


2023/124 Summer Newsletter

                To discuss content and details


2023/125 Highways

                To consider any highways matters & determine any actions required


2023/126 Solar Farms

               To receive any updates and discuss further action required

               Email from 7000-acre group - 7000 Acres Parish Statement of Common Ground


2023/127 Planning

      To receive any correspondence/decisions by WLDC and discuss any planning applications.

                Ref:146597 -for approval of reserved matters for 5no. dwelling, considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission 141858 granted 17 February

                2021.  Cotgarth Farm Cotgarth Lane


2023/128 Finance

              To approve & sign the monthly accounts for payment & corresponding Bank Statements

                                                                                                                       Net             VAT



Salary April





Grass cutting contract








2023/129 Correspondence for Information

  1. NALC Newsletter (emailed prior)
  2. Town and parish council newsletter April 2023


2023/130 Agenda Items for next meeting and to take any points from members


2023/131 To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be



To confirm the date & time of the next Meeting of the Council as Thursday 8th June 2023 at 7.30pm in Willingham Village Hall committee room